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This day in history - 29:11:1234.4

29:11:1234.4 On this day Several blocks of the third circle of Castle Gurdendorf were extensively re-modelled after junior alchemist Benjamin Cuslom delved too deeply into the mystic arts of the common lemon. Hearing about the wondrous magical effect that pieces of zinc and copper had on a lemon, he was keen to see what all the fuss was about. Having developed the tiniest spark in his laboratory, he earnestly set about ramping up the effect of the spell. Collecting together as many lemons as he could, he started to connect them into an ever growing series of batteries. The magic scaled perfectly and soon he was impressing the local populace with hair-raising demonstrations. Carried away with his success, Cuslom continued to add more lemons until every room of his house was filled with the primitive devices. Unfortunately Benjamin Cuslom, understanding little of the magic involved in his new spell, left his electro-wands, the output terminals of his battery, in the sink overnight. Next day he was unexpectedly called away, not returning for a week. During that time it appeared that the sinks tap leaked, continuously filling the sink while he was away. With the spark magic still connected, the wands started to split the water molecules apart, releasing what was referred to by other alchemists as water-gas. The resultant explosion, when Cuslom entered with a lit candle, is now part of common folk-law as it illuminated half the city and in some places burnt shadows on to the walls. The erstwhile alchemist was never seen again, although people said he must have left in a very big hurry. All that remained of Cuslom was a pair of his slightly smoking shoes, cooling on the cracked flagstones.