As I started to write the first book, HAVOC, I realised that I needed to write down certain aspects of my characters so I wouldn't forget them. Over time these became more and more detailed. Each time I sat down to write a new chapter the men were fleshed out more and more. Below is a brief example of that information. I've laid it out in a style mimicking the regiment's official personnel records. I hope, as the characters develop, to add further detail to these. Though, as usual, time is against me. Now where's that damn pencil...
Captain Earnest Braveheart - with a fervent belief in his regiment and a deep psychological connection to his dead father, Captain Braveheart leads the Gurden Special Forces Regiment, a group of men that the world is ill-prepared to meet.
Sergeant Maxwell Diddley - A man who loves his home comforts: strong drink, good food and a nice spot next to the hearth in his favourite pub. Now people are making him become the soldier he’s sure he isn’t
Private Ronald Dipp - First class pickpocket and thief. Picked up off the street and thrust into a world of deception and danger, he'll nick anything not nailed down.
Private Edward Rogerson - Disliked by everyone, he's lied cheated and stolen from more people than he can remember. His moral compass is definitely skewed towards scoundrel.
Private Squire, (First name unknown) - Cat-burglar extraordinaire, he's led a life of excitement and danger. Now he's on 'the lamb' and looking for a little bit of peace and quiet... I guess he can forget about that then.
Copyright © 2019 Stuart Cornewall