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This day in history - 17.09.1148.4

17.09.1148.4    On this day ‘The Great Confusion’ took place. Listed as one of Gurden’s greatest military blunders, it took place when Admiral R. Naysayer ordered a cavalry attack on imperial forces. The Admiral, on secondment for unknown reasons to the Gurden army, never felt ‘right’ when not on water. He quickly became disorientated and ordered the cavalry to attack his own baggage train. The cavalry regiment, loyal to a man, duly set upon the train. Members of the Royal Logistic Corp fought back with venom, seriously hampering the cavalry and nearly won the day. Only when the cavalry commander called upon the infantry to support another charge did the baggage train finally fall to the cavalry.

Such was the debacle, that the actual events were covered up for nearly twelve years. Medals were awarded and battle honours emblazoned on regimental colours. When eventually the true nature of the battle came out, the Prime Minister of the time, the honourable Kyril Memford, was forced to step down and Admiral Naysayer, now retired, was banished from the kingdom. He later set up a small fleet of shrimp boats in the city state of Aeris Platearum where he totally failed to catch any shrimp but sank three trees and a goat.