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This day in history - 02:01:1130.4

02:01:1130.4 On this day Cardinal Benedetto il Cavolo was arrested at a banquet celebrating the marriage of Lord Sweyn of Creapstone to the Lady Isabella de Montjoy. His arrest came after Sweyn’s best man, Sir Donatien Muncible, gave the customary speech. Having consumed a truly gargantuan amount of wine before starting his address, Sir Donatien proceeded to tell it how it was. Never to be one to do things half heartedly, Sir Donatien even found time in his thirty-five minute speech to insult the caterers, the pageboys and the flower girls. The ensuing violence, that started as Sir Donatien sat down, only stopped when the aforementioned Cardinal landed a spectacular hit with his crosier, fracturing a man’s skull. Cardinal Benedetto was remanded in custody and bound over for two years, during which his right to officiate over marriages was suspended. The marriage between Lord Sweyn and Lady Isabella soon dissolved and Sir Donatien eventually ended up marrying Lady Isabella, who it is said, banned her second husband from making any further public speeches.