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Things I’ve Discovered

The other day I started to think about how far I had come on my writing adventure, and it got me thinking. What things had I uncovered during my journey? Below is a concise list of some of the things that leapt into my mind.

  • It’s a lot harder than it looks from the outside!

  • Keeping up a rhythm is difficult.

  • I will go to any lengths to find a distraction from writing.

  • Not all word processors have your best intentions in mind.

  • Don’t forget to send the British Library a copy of your book - really!

  • Working under the pink glow of a study lamp helps - Just call me Rimmer (British joke)

  • Make notes - All the time.

  • I constantly feel like I’m standing on the edge of a deep pit.

  • There’s a lot of technology out there to help new writers.

  • Reviews are a real bastard to get, good or bad.

  • The term ‘rollercoaster ride’ is very apt.

  • You will never maintain your daily word count.

  • Writing is one of the most enjoyable and frustrating pastimes you can engage in.

  • Spelling is really, really difficult. (Personal experience)

  • Things take a lot longer than planned.

  • Honest feedback is a rare thing indeed.

  • Balance in a novel is really difficult to get right.

  • Composing submissions to agents & publishers is torture.

  • Self-publishing can be very lonely.

  • Correct punctuation seems to reside with the reader - It’s all very confusing;

  • The day of publication is a rush that’s hard to beat.

  • Layout is an art form. Who would have thought that type could be so beautiful.

  • Ideas come at the worst possible times.

  • The final draft is never final.

  • Tea is a life saver.

  • The telephone and doorbell are your enemy.

  • Deadlines are moveable, no matter what your editor says.

  • Editors are golden.

  • Social media is a must.

  • You’ll never quite feel you’ve got a handle on everything.

  • Forgetting to eat is a thing.

  • Being creative with a headache is almost impossible.

  • Who ever invented the spellchecker is a god!

  • The day you describe yourself to someone as a writer is a big thrill.

  • I still balk at the cost of an ISBN.

  • Going back through your writing and removing double spaces is a daily thing.

  • Organisation is key - But so is dreaming.

  • Colour effects my mood and aids my writing - Purple!

  • All chairs eventually become uncomfortable.

  • The English language is weird.

Oh and one last bullet point to round things off:

  • Writing has allowed me to ramble about a lot more stuff.