Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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Back at it

So here we are. Another day another year. Some of you will have noticed the lack of posts over the past few weeks. For that I am humbly sorry. What can I say? I let the festivities carry me away. I had hoped to only take a few days off over the Christmas period, as I’m right in the thick of my first draft of book two, Blast. I had hoped to do a little writing and blog posting each day on my laptop, but an afternoon sherry and a mince pie seemed to put paid to that little idea. It seems that at this time of year it’s almost impossible to keep up a schedule without getting distracted. So there you have it. Not one word written in the past two and a half weeks, so I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. There’s continuing work with Blast, there are Musings to write, History’s to post, social media items to work on, artwork to begin and tea to be drunk. It’s going to be a busy month!

Now, when I said earlier that I didn’t get any work done over the holidays, that’s not entirely true. With the slow pace of the days and the excellent feeding by various relatives, I did get in some serious thinking time. True, many of my family thought I was just sleeping on the couch and drooling slightly, but there was in fact some serious brain power at work - promise. I finally got down to thinking about the mysterious book three. For months, all it has had was a title and a vague idea of a storyline. Well, thanks to the turkey, the booze, quite a bit of reading and Christmas television, the plot seems to have coalesced into a firm action plan. Now, I’m not going to give out any details yet as I haven’t even written a single word yet; I need to get Blast out before that. All I can say is, ‘watch this space’. Well, not this space specifically; not this actual post. Once I post this blog I’m unlikely to add new details am I? But you know what I’m driving at. Anyway, I just thought you’d like to know that the story of Merry Hell and all it’s characters is well on it’s way with a bright future ahead of it. Although it’s probably not that great for Mucus Slime. Don’t know who I’m talking about? Then read Havoc, the first book in the series!

Right, back to the grindstone; these books don’t write themselves you know… But perhaps just another cup of tea. Oh, and I was forgetting - Happy New Year. I mean that was really the point of this post when I sat down to write it. Heath and happiness to all and I hope the coming year is your best one yet.


Stuart Cornewall