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This day in history - 13:02:1078.4

13:02:1078.4 On this day in history the greatest ever collection of sonnets was published by the bard William Dumwhatling. It was said that if the collection were ever read out loud in its entirety, it would break even the coldest of hearts. Although, there being over five hundred individual pieces, it was more likely that the audience would die of boredom, with complications brought on by sitting on hard surfaces for too long. The Sonnets, in fact, led to three wars, seventeen hundred murders and an odd escapade with a fleet of ships, a wooden statue and a really long sea voyage. Scholars have since debated the authenticity of the work and use of grammar. One thing that everyone agrees on, is that it’s throughly good for young children to study endlessly in stuffy classrooms; and for thespians to get thoroughly overworked about.