Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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This day in history - 25:02:1235.4

25:02:1235.4 On this day Claus Phrenolt, famed brain magician and self-styled Doctor of the head, mind and its associated bumps, died when a patient attacked him with a chair leg. It seems that the good doctor mistook the man, one Reginald Cowrie, an eel farmer, as one of his patients. The doctor proceeded to inform Mr. Cowrie that all his current woes could be accounted for by an oedipus complex; with further probing leading to the release of certain pent-up aggressive tendencies and an alter-ego with anti-social behaviour issues. Mr. Cowrie, a gods fearing man, who ruled his family with a rod of iron, decided to re-educate the good doctor in the ways of family upbringing. Unfortunately, Dr. Phrenolt died before the end of the lesson. It was sad really, for the erstwhile Dr. Phrenolt, as Mr. Cowrie had only popped round to hand over some wrongly delivered mail in the first place.