Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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Blast (it) Another Update

Just a quickie. Thought you might be interested in knowing where my trials and tribulations with the second book in the series are. Blast, book two in the Merry Hell series has passed the second draft. It is now in the hands of my editor for the first round of critical reviews.  That’s probably going to take several weeks so, in the meantime, I’ve started work on the front cover design.  

It’s been a while since I sat down at Modo, my 3D graphics package, and I’m currently getting things ordered and settled.  You’d be amazed how easy it is to forget the forest of hotkeys that 3D work requires you to learn.  Also, this time round I will be using a new piece of software to help create the scene, ZBrush. This is an insanely complicated piece of software with a ‘steep’ learning curve that is almost ‘F…ing vertical,’ - I nicked that line from Eddie out of Bottom.

And for those who might ask, Blast is about the same length as Havoc. With almost the same number of chapters. Which is odd as I never planned that. The story just seemed to want to be that length.  Of course these facts matter little as the editing process can be brutal.  Whole chapters can head to the wastepaper bin at the strike of the red pen, but we’ll just have to wait and see.

Is this what it feels like to sit beneath the sword of Damocles?