Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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Sometimes, I really hate technology.

Sometimes, I really hate technology and the ‘sometime’ is today. It seems that from the moment I woke up this morning things started to go wrong. I had grand plans of over achieving and bursting all productivity records out of the water. You name it, it’s gone wrong for me today. Files stuck in limbo, locked out of my email, artwork corrupted… The list goes on and on. The really bizarre thing about all of this, the bit where I said that I really hate technology, is that I’m an engineer by trade. I’ve got letters after my name and everything! You’d have thought that being an engineer I’d be up for the challenges that everyday life can throw in my face. Well dear reader, I can solemnly say, pah! This engineer is just like everybody else, baffled and bemused by everyday items. Is there no chance for us? Damn you Gods of the new world, damn you all to the seventh circle of cyberspace hell.