Home of the Merry Hell Series of Books
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So How Am I Doing?

Thought I’d drop a short piece off to ask how you think things are going. Over the past seven months I’ve put a lot of work into the website, the Facebook page and the Twitter account, and I was wondering if you thought it was all up to snuff. I’ve enabled comments at the bottom of this blog post and would really love to hear what you think.

The ride has been a fun and frantic one with the prep and launch of Havoc while at the same time scrabbling to get Blast together. I think it is safe to say, its been the hardest & most fun work I’ve ever done. I don’t think I’ve sat in the middle of my imagination for so long at any time in my life. I feel sometimes that I eat, sleep and breathe the Merry Hell Universe. 

What has turned out to be a lot more fun than I thought it initially would be, is writing this blog. I started, way back at the beginning of last August, with just two thoughts on what I wanted it to be. Firstly, I wanted to expand the history of the world I created; allowing it to contain more substance than a single narrative could contain. Secondly, I wanted to document my journey as a new writer, describing the highs and lows, the successes and failures I encountered as I navigated this literary world. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat at this computer with my head in my hands saying ‘I can’t do this.’ Then again, there have also been numerous times when I’ve sat here giggling to myself at the crazy ideas I’ve just thought up and put into the chapters and blog.

Overall, I’ve had fantastic fun doing this and I hope to continue with this for many more years to come. Rest assured, there are still plenty of titles in the series still to write. The joyous work has a long way to go.

But now I pass the writing batten, for this week, over to you and ask again, how am I doing?

‘The first word typed is the springboard to the first paragraph; but first you must switch on the computer.’ - Now there’s deep for you.